I found this great Etsy shop while browsing around the other day. The name of the shop is called ex libris handmade. The store offers many different quilted and hand sewn products, but my favorite are the cloth books. While any book is great for a child of course, I have always felt that children take a special interest in cloth books. And, each of these cloth books are a unique work of handmade art.
My favorite is the one pictured above, the Yes/No language cloth book. It features a different language on each page, and with embroidery and simple cloth backgrounds introduces children to the ways to say "yes" and "no" in many different languages. What a great first exposure! The texture of the embroidery and the different cloths are sure to feel rich and engaging to a young child's hands. The languages included are French, Russian, German, Mandarin, Spanish and Arabic. Plus, you have the bonus of no chomped-on book corners from young toddlers, and simply throw it in the washing machine when it needs cleaned. I just may have to purchase one of these!!
My other favorite is this Earth Cloth Book. This cloth book is really inventive, and I love the hand sewn illustrations for the geographic vocabulary. The word EARTH is spelled out over the 5 pages through the use of 5 geographic terms, while demonstrating the meaning of the Earth on the cover, the Equator, the Arctic, river, trees, and horizon.
I just love the products at this store, and I hope you all will check it out for your young child!
Love those! They're so cute and practical, and would make great gifts :)
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