Sunday, May 15, 2011

Grace and courtesy printable checklist/poster/chart

The printable has various Montessori grace and courtesy lessons/manners listed on it.  This can be used in a variety of ways.

Print it and keep it in your notebook to use as an observation checklist.  Put a sticker, date, or an x through each lesson when your child has mastered it and uses it in everyday life.  List multiple dates if you introduce and review the lesson at different times of the year.  If you observe the child using one of these skills, you could record both the manner in which they used it (waited patiently in line, asked to help with the dishes, etc.) and the date.

Or, keep it in your lesson plans for long term scheduling.  Put the dates in each shape for when you plan to model the skill during the year.  You could also list the materials needed (if applicable) in the shape, or a related book to go along with and reinforce the lesson.

Or, print it out, frame it, and display it at child height so your child may read over it and review the lessons themselves.

Or, use it as a traditional motivational chart.  Kind of like a "catch them being gracious" chart.  When you notice your child displaying one of the grace and courtesy lessons from the chart, put a sticker on the shape.  When they have a certain number of stickers on their chart, they receive a special privilege, book, field trip, tea party, etc.  Decide with your child before you begin the chart what the rewards will be, and at what intervals they will be earned.  Let them know that they may not earn a sticker every time they display their manners, but when you decide that they have mastered the skill or are using them correctly and consistently. 

You could also write the definition of the lesson in the space above it (as you want to define it in your home or classroom), and then cut them up into cards and laminate them to make into a little grace and courtesy flip book.  Once they are laminated, just put a hold punch in the corner of each card, then put onto a ring.  Place them in a basket or on a hook in the learning environment, and the child can flip through and read to hisself/herself for review.

To use this image, just click on the photo above to view the poster in a larger size.  Right click to save the image to your computer, then you can print it!

If you decide to use this, I'd love to know how you make use of it!


  1. We could really use this in our house these days just as a reminder to use our manners :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. LOVE!!! Thank you so much!

  3. I love this too!

  4. Thanks for sharing this. I plan to have my students use this to self-monitor.
