Monday, May 2, 2011

Freebie: Printable You Are My Sunshine Poster {an alternate version}

Here is another free printable poster for your enjoyment!
I have always loved the song "You Are My Sunshine", but for some reason it always seemed to me like a slightly sad song.  Also, having more than one child means that I don't really like to sing to one of them that they are "my only sunshine", so I created this version to sing to my own children.

Hope you enjoy it! 
Click on the image above, then right click and save the image to your computer. 
I uploaded it as an 8x10.


  1. I love your printables. Printed each out this one and the manners one as gifts for the daycare for teacher appreciation week. Thanks!

  2. Thanks missweb! Glad you are enjoying them!!! ♥

  3. Very nice poster of sunshine in the blog i like this blog.Montessori Nurseries
