Thursday, May 27, 2010

Make Your Own Sidewalk Chalk, Tutorial & Sale

{Image Credit: Lakeshore Learning}

Thanks to Lakeshore Learning, I have a great step-by-step, easy tutorial to share with you today on how to make your own sidewalk chalk!  Scroll down for a great coupon to Lakeshore as well!
(FYI, I have no affiliation to Lakeshore, I just like them!)

Twice the fun: The making, and the drawing!

You will need:

Plaster of paris
Lakeshore Fully Washable Liquid Tempera - Pints (or another washable tempera paint)
Craft Sticks
Paper cups


Pour 1 cup of plaster of paris into your bowl.

With a craft stick, stir in 2 heaping spoonfuls of washable tempera paint.

Slowly stir in water until the mixture is thick and pasty.

Pour the mixture into paper cups. Set aside to dry for a few hours.

When your chalk is completely dry, tear away the paper cups. Your chalk is ready to use—to create sidewalk art that washes right off!
{Image Credit: Lakeshore Learning}

Lakeshore also has a special, limited time sale on their Giant Washable Color Ink Pads (Set of  5 colors).  These are big enough for hands, apples, potatoes, and whatever else you can think of!
50% off until 5/30.

And lastly, for your viewing pleasure, here is my latest treasury....
{click on image or link to view full-size}

1 comment:

  1. This post is perfect for the Monday Kid Corner Weekly Linky Party. The next party goes live Sunday morning and this week’s theme is SIDEWALK CHALK. Be sure to brush off those archives as well and link them up at See you there! Jennifer
