Saturday, May 15, 2010


This post is all about things that are inspiring me today.

The first of my recent inspirations is this fantastic blog I discovered only yesterday, called The Organic Sister.
They are a family of three, currently living full-time on the road out of their 22-foot greened-out 1982 Winnebago. She blogs about homeschooling (Unschooling), mindful parenting, and the adventures of living simply, radically, authentically and in full embrace of Life and all its offerings.

This video makes me smile and tear up all at the same time. ♥

My latest treasury, made up of things that make my heart go pitter patter.

Playful Parenting, a book that I ordered a couple of weeks ago and have only read a few chapters as of yet, but I can already tell I like it.  I'm not sure where I came across it, but I'm passing it on to all of you.
  Playful Parenting means joining children in their world of play, focusing on connection and confidence, giggling and roughhousing, and following your child's lead.

Movie: Away We Go.

And finally, children and dandelions!

Image credits:
a. Cavan Images.  b. My precious son!  c. itsmeboris 
What is inspiring you?

1 comment:

  1. I smiled when I saw the Away We Go poster, did you see it yet? I recently saw Mammoth, The Blind Side and An Education, all indie, some Oscar noms and ALL very good. Nice post:)
